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As the coronavirus continues to impact our communities, our patients and our associates, we wanted to take a moment to reach out to you directly. 

The well-being and safety of our patients and our associates is our top priority and is at the center of every decision. 

As this unfolds, we will be adjusting our office hours effective March 23, 2020. We will be closing on all Thursdays until further notice effective immediately. Please continue to check our website and social media channels for weekly office hour changes. We are instituting schedule changes to minimize patient social interaction within our office as per the CDC recommendation. 

We are now offering curbside pick-ups during normal business hours (subject to change as of March 23rd) for contact lenses and glasses. No adjustments will be performed at this time if you chose to have curbside delivery, they will be scheduled for a later date.

Please call 630-365-2020 when you are outside and ready for pick-up!

We will still be available to receive patient calls, schedule for future appointments and place contact lens orders. We are also ready to serve you online. Our website and social channels are available to you at, Facebook and Instagram: Valley Vision Center. 

This is a rapidly evolving situation, which naturally causes a range of emotions. This is understandable, as this is new territory for us all. In times like these, we support, we listen, and we learn. We are proud of our team’s tireless efforts to always be there for each other, their families and our patients. 

Thank you for your understanding and your patience.